The Lazy One

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I think the large problem will be trying to meet the needs of a high powered gaming device while maintaining its usability as a phone over longer periods of time.

With powerful handsets coming out as well as the 3ds coming out, it could end up being the jack of all trades master of none putting people off.

HOWEVER if they had dual analogues on the PSP like it appears this does (thank god), I think the PSP would have had a much better chance against the DS.

5008d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I feel like it should be possible to sign a piece of firmware that can auto-sign other stuff you try to run on top of it anyway.

5008d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@"Wikipedia or not, courts do not care whether you were directly or indirectly involved, or had any idea what you were doing. Either way you're screwed."

have you ever been in a court room? read a legal document? watched law and order even? They totally care whether you were directly or indirectly involved.

You may as well have said, "Wikipedia or not, courts don't care whether you are guilty or innocent. Either way you're screwed.&...

5008d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ZombieNinjaPanda:"Ever heard of guilty by association?"

5008d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@"Are you fucking serious? Sony has been trying to kill "Homebrew" on PSP because of the rampant piracy that has destroyed game sales on the device. That's why there are 50 million PSPs in the wild and even big games sell horribly. This is why Sony doesn't want to allow any modification to their hardware, they've already had one platform ruined by hacking."

The PSP wasn't killed because of pirating and homebrew. Pirating and homebrew are th...

5008d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

PSP failed because of the DS, not because of piracy.

5009d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

CES is one of the more widely documented trade shows. Places like cnet, G4, and whatnot will be on the showfloor all week and almost every major keynote is broadcast online somewhere.

A lot of mainstream news sources do wrap ups after the week is over too.

5009d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

yea lambak knows what's up. CES is a lot more about electronics as a whole. There will probably be a lot of windows phone 7 and microsoft tablets being shown off, but for the past 5 years they haven't really spent more than 5 minutes on video games because nobody goes to CES for games.

5009d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

@"But I guess you're right, it doesn't really matter. I mean have you seen the size of Thor's hammer in the movie. Its tiny. I think that's more outrageous than a black man playing a Norse God. :P"

BACK UP THE F***IN TRUCK. have you never read the Thor comic books? His hammer IS tiny. It's always been tiny. That's the whole point. Seriously. Look it up:


Nobody cried about Avatar because it sucked balls and people knew it would suck balls. Same with the dragon ball movie.

As for the prince in PoP. Maybe he didn't play them too much, but the prince in the games is pretty white for a persian even ignoring the super white prince in the new PoP. And if he knew wtf he was talking about he'd know the lady in the movie isn't farrah.

I'm fine with the black dude as a norse god, but really if you'r...

5010d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There was an article like this that was just a straight up timeline with all the releases by day, month, and quarter in a nice picture with 360/PS3/PC. Does anyone know where that went? As far as I can recall it was the only one that seemed to have every AAA game announced with a release date in 2011.

5010d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're missing the point.

Microsoft has started studios this generation with a $1 billion sinkhole to deal with at the same time. There's no reason to believe that they can't start studios if they need to or contract studios to make games for them.

5010d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

the multi-platform lineup has been the best for years. I don't get why people get so upset over that. It's not like they can't play the games.

And as long as they don't fuck it up I'd probably take Skyrim and Rage over any games coming out next year.

5010d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

@" It's like a retarted boy holding a hack saw"

retarded. retarded was the answer we were looking for.

5010d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@"SImple put, what would happen if third parties decide to back up Sony and/or Nintendo next gen instead of MS?"

for one, they wouldn't. It doesn't make any sense when porting costs are made up by selling 1,000 copies. Third parties will do just like they've done this whole generation and release it for every platform that makes sense. If they didn't M$ would probably just open more studios. They probably would have opened more this gen, but they had...

5010d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

but rewatch the KB commercials. How many of them advertise a game and how many just advertise the console?

They have huge focus on selling the console obviously, but really the only PS3 game commercial I can remember is the one with KB playing uncharted 2. The rest are hardly memorable. I'm sure I saw them, but none of them made any impact and a lot of them aren't advertised until after the game is already out.

5010d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

The extended the warranty before any lawsuit went to court. They were preparing a lawsuit, but the warranty was extended without any litigation.

And the PS2 DRE was just as prevalent as RROD. They'be both been estimated by third parties to be upwards of 30%, but neither company has released their official information as the launch models for both were horrible and nobody wants to advertise how bad their reliability is.

edit: and Sony was in fact taken to ...

5010d ago 5 agree15 disagreeView comment

I actually think if the 360 had HD-DVD in it, it probably would have ended up with HD-DVD lasting a lot longer. By the time the PS3 came out at $599 there would have already been 6 million HD-DVD players in homes, which would have made a huge difference in the outcome of that fight.

But that wasn't the fight M$ wanted to go with, which is why they didn't and here we are.

I'd be really interested to know how the 360 would have done without RROD. Th...

5010d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony had a failure rate that high last gen and they did the same thing, except they had to go through a class action lawsuit first.

5010d ago 4 agree23 disagreeView comment

That is a huge difference between M$ and Sony. There were a couple times where I wondered when a game was coming out only to find out it had released the week before. They focus a lot on advertising the console but barely at all on advertising the games for the console. Uncharted 2 I think was the only commercial I remember with kevin butler ignoring the guys girlfriend.

5010d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment